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About me...

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I’m a writer, history nerd, and book lover, with a passion for stories and not enough time! I’ve always got a few different ideas bubbling away in the back of my brain.

I write across a number of different genres. My first manuscript was a humorous story set in a retirement village … What happens when Eleanor decides that she’s going to kill her son-in-law? My second manuscript was historical fiction based on the true-life story of pioneer Sarah Brooks. I’m also currently working on a YA novel that’s set in a futuristic dystopia, and a non-fiction book about the amazing women from Western Australia’s history. I also have a regular local history feature in our local magazine, the Esperance Tide. And, I’ve just launched a podcast! It’s called Wild: Stories from Western Australia’s past, and it’s available wherever you get your podcasts. 
(For more information about the podcast, you can check out 


I live in beautiful Esperance, on a farm with far too many animals, including dogs, chooks, cows, horses, and a llama named Kendrick. I can usually be found hanging out here, eating strawberries in the veggie garden, with the baby and the occasional foster kids.

In 2020, my manuscript The Tuesday Afternoon Murder Club was shortlisted for the Banjo prize. Not long afterwards, my manuscript Brooksiana was longlisted for the Richell Prize. I’ve been in a slight state of shock ever since.   

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